
This is my second foray into the world of blogging. It is a slightly different tone. My first was about me traveling the world, I drove across America. Turns out, me living my best life is me living in a van. I am no longer a traveling 22 year old. I am now a 26 year old living at home with her Parents and Nan… Now I am not ungrateful to be living at home. I need a place to live, I can ill afford to look after myself. Also I just can’t look after myself. It turns out I have anxiety and depression, if I weren’t at home I’d spend days in bed pressing the “continue watching” button on Netflix on a show that I would not actually be watching. I still do this, but I get free food and things get tidied around me. A far cry from my trip of a lifetime.

I also have a degree and a Master’s degree. I didn’t think this was relevant to my blog but everyone else seems to mention their Master’s degrees, so I will too. I currently have three jobs. Sales assistant at a well known trusted shoe retailers, information assistant at in an information center, obviously. And as an Admin Assistant for a local building firm. How do I fit it all in? I don’t. Sales assistant is Part time, Information assistant is casual, when they call me up needing someone and I do the admin after work or on a day off. I just need money to get by. Ye, the government, employment is up because we’re all working part time…

I’m not here to give advice on anxiety or depression. I am not qualified and I’m not sure how I’m getting through as I am, it is merely a chronicle of my experiences and how I’m muddling through. Yes, I spend a lot of time overthinking, jumping to the worst conclusions, pushing people away and being just generally sad. This is not all I do, I’m also great at being OK. And, I’m amazing at pretending to be OK. I don’t think anyone I work with for example knows about either my anxiety or depression. My friends and family only realised it recently. I can see the funny side, I even make jokes. I have to admit not everyone gets them, I like to think it’s because I’m so high brow. Just because I’m depressed doesn’t mean I have a literal black dog in tow with me everywhere I go.

While I will be documenting the bad  things, I will also be documenting the good things. The funny things, the ridiculous things that seem to happen to me in particular. However, there are some rules. While honesty is the best policy and this will be a great space for me to vent and let a few selected friends and randoms know how I’m feeling in one convenient place, this blog is a secret. I’m not telling people at work, I will not be linking it to my Facebook for a while at least. I will not be telling you everything. There are things I am not ready to admit to myself, least of all to the internet. I will be trustworthy. I will not lie or pretend here. I hope you enjoy, and if you don’t enjoy, at least I am.


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